Healthy Only Campus
If you have any ONE of these Group A symptoms, do not come to school . . .
If you have TWO or more of these Group B symptoms, do not come to school . . .
Note: Even if your child ONLY has vomiting or diarrhea, we recommend keeping them home from school because these symptoms can be caused by many common illnesses easily spread at school.
Guidelines for Returning to School . . .
Option 1: Consulting your personal physician
- Consult with your physician for further direction (ie: testing, quarantining, or returning to school)
- Fever free without any use of fever reducing medications (Tylenol/acetaminophen or Motrin/Ibuprofen containing products) at least a full 24 hours prior to returning to school
Option 2: Getting a Covid test (there are free options)
- Make an appointment with a local pharmacy to get a Covid test
- The test is negative
- Fever free without any use of fever reducing medications (Tylenol/acetaminophen or Motrin/Ibuprofen containing products) at least a full 24 hours prior to returning to school
Option 3: Not seeing your physician or getting tested, treating illness as Covid-19
Please stay home and live stream; the criteria for returning is as follows:
- At least 10 days have passed since the start of symptoms AND
- At least 24 hours have passed since resolution of fever without the use of fever reducing medications AND other symptoms have improved
- Fever (100.4 or higher)
- Atypical Cough
- Shortness of breath
- Difficulty breathing, not related to asthma
- New loss of smell
- New loss of taste
If you have TWO or more of these Group B symptoms, do not come to school . . .
- Chills
- Sudden chills and sweating
- Muscle pain
- Headache
- Sore throat
- Diarrhea (see note)
- Nausea or vomiting (see note)
- Fatigue
- Runny nose/congestion
Note: Even if your child ONLY has vomiting or diarrhea, we recommend keeping them home from school because these symptoms can be caused by many common illnesses easily spread at school.
Guidelines for Returning to School . . .
Option 1: Consulting your personal physician
- Consult with your physician for further direction (ie: testing, quarantining, or returning to school)
- Fever free without any use of fever reducing medications (Tylenol/acetaminophen or Motrin/Ibuprofen containing products) at least a full 24 hours prior to returning to school
Option 2: Getting a Covid test (there are free options)
- Make an appointment with a local pharmacy to get a Covid test
- The test is negative
- Fever free without any use of fever reducing medications (Tylenol/acetaminophen or Motrin/Ibuprofen containing products) at least a full 24 hours prior to returning to school
Option 3: Not seeing your physician or getting tested, treating illness as Covid-19
Please stay home and live stream; the criteria for returning is as follows:
- At least 10 days have passed since the start of symptoms AND
- At least 24 hours have passed since resolution of fever without the use of fever reducing medications AND other symptoms have improved